Try out popular cookbook author Maida Heatter’s Chocolate Mousse Torte recipe - News Summed Up

Try out popular cookbook author Maida Heatter’s Chocolate Mousse Torte recipe

Maida Heatter made her chocolate mousse torte 20 times before she deemed it good enough to be published in The New York Times in May 1972. The Times published several of Heatter’s recipes, including the East 62nd Street lemon cake, a tender lemon Bundt cake; her 86-proof chocolate cake, a rich chocolate cake infused with bourbon; and her chocolate cheesecake brownies. It’s not hard to see why: It’s a groan-inducing glory of a dessert, with a dense chocolate base topped with frothy chocolate mousse and crowned with whipped cream. Once it has cooled, the baked mousse sinks in the center, transforming into a dense chocolate cake “crust” that’s ideal for filling with the remaining unbaked mousse. Reduce speed to low, and add the vanilla and cooled chocolate, scraping the sides of the mixing bowl as necessary.

Source: Indian Express June 12, 2019 07:50 UTC

