Ex-beauty queen jailed after trying to sell 13-year-old daughter's virginity for £20k - News Summed Up

Ex-beauty queen jailed after trying to sell 13-year-old daughter's virginity for £20k

In court Gladkikh, wearing a fur coat, bowed her head to avoid her face being seen by cameras. (Image: east2west news)(Image: east2west news)(Image: east2west news)(Image: east2west news)In her testimony soon after she was detained in January, she confessed: “At 7.35 am, me and my daughter flew to Moscow. (Image: east2west news)(Image: east2west news)(Image: east2west news)The girl and her brother now lives with her grandmother who has been made her official guardian. (Image: east2west news)(Image: east2west news)“She paid a lot of attention to her appearance and spent a lot of time partying. “She also participated in Chelyabinsk beauty contests.”Police said the mother and her two accomplices had previously worked as sex workers.

Source: Daily Mirror December 08, 2018 10:52 UTC

