University Offers Students Grave To Deal With Stress - News Summed Up

University Offers Students Grave To Deal With Stress

Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical pain and there are different ways of dealing with it. However, a University in the Netherlands is helping its students deal with exam stress by offering them a grave. According to The Mirror, Radboud University, in the town of Nijmegen in the Netherlands, dug a “purification grave” to help its student reflect on the transience of life and deal with anxieties during exam periods. In addition to the grave, the institution offers nap pods, standard counselling service and they also have options such as a finals-season “crying room”. According to the students, the out-of-the-ordinary project is so popular they had to be put on a waiting list to secure an early grave.

Source: The Guardian November 12, 2019 12:36 UTC

