‘A United Press is Best for Journalism in Liberia” Says, ALJA President Mayson - News Summed Up

‘A United Press is Best for Journalism in Liberia” Says, ALJA President Mayson

ALJA President Joe Mayson speaking on State Radio recently said, having a split media will only set back gains made by the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), and allow evil people against the media to exploit the situation and divide the media even more. The Association of Liberian Journalists in the Americas ALJA has expressed disappointment over the manner some journalists are breaking away from the mother’s Union of Journalists in Liberia. ALJA President Joe Mayson speaking on State Radio recently said, having a split media will only set back gains made by the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), and allow evil people against the media to exploit the situation and divide the media even more. On the issue of free Press, ALJA’s President Joe Mayson said, gains have been made over the years between media and past governments but pointed accusing fingers at the George Weah’s administration for muzzling the Liberian media. “Of late there has been attempt by the government to muzzle the media.”He said, the special investigative committee to investigate insults and harassment against Liberia journalists was just a lip service as government has shown no interest in furthering the investigations.

Source: Front Page Africa May 26, 2020 00:52 UTC

