A Zoom-ful of sugar from virtual babysitters helps kids learn and parents get on - News Summed Up

A Zoom-ful of sugar from virtual babysitters helps kids learn and parents get on

She might be singing nursery rhymes or helping a child to learn the alphabet. Danielle Manton-Kelly is not in the room with the children: she is a Zoomsitter, an online nanny, and she is one of a growing breed. From her home in Dorchester, Dorset, she looks after up to 12 children each week, as far afield as France, India and Australia. Their parents, exhausted by the combination of working from home and looking after young children, have gone online for childcare rescue. The children are placed in front of a computer, and the Zoomsitter interacts with them directly, whether by reading a story,

Source: The Times September 19, 2020 23:06 UTC

