Activists call for a review of drug laws - News Summed Up

Activists call for a review of drug laws

Rawitsara Piakhuntod, Institute of HIV Research and InnovationBesides sections 113 and 114 of the code, Ms Rawitsara said she was also concerned about Section 115. The problem, Ms Rawitsara said, is that a search can be ordered at the discretion of law enforcement officials. And if they are drug dependent, they must be treated as patients, Ms Rawitsara said. The death penalty, imprisonment, custody, fines and confiscation are approaches which are only suitable for those who traffic drugs," Ms Rawitsara said. She said that the Office of Narcotics Control Board's harm reduction programme should be there to reduce harm in society, not harm the people it is supposed to serve.

Source: Bangkok Post December 25, 2023 09:05 UTC

