After the no-no vote, Irish women are stuck with a sexist constitution. Let’s use it - News Summed Up

After the no-no vote, Irish women are stuck with a sexist constitution. Let’s use it

The progressive holy trinity appeared to become whole when, three years later, Ireland comprehensively overturned its constitutional ban on abortion. But Irish women who, like women all over the world, disproportionately bear the burden of domestic duties and caregiving – without which the staying power of systemic patriarchy or global economic output could not hold – have always known the crowns we wear are still crooked. The proposal recognised that family members provide care for one another regardless of gender, but appeared to let the state off the hook. Now that we’re stuck with it, maybe Irish women should make belated use of our 87-year-old “women in the home” provision, finding new and ingenious ways to flex its potential. Come to think of it, a constitution that actually recognised the contribution of women?

Source: The Guardian March 12, 2024 12:18 UTC

