Coronavirus: Almost 20,000 people have died in care homes with Covid-19 - News Summed Up

Coronavirus: Almost 20,000 people have died in care homes with Covid-19

"I think what happened was absolutely tragic, there's no question that we saw far too many lives lost in care homes and we mourn for everyone." Mr Johnson added that he disputed claims that people were pushed into care homes from the NHS to make space in hospitals, saying that numbers of people going into care homes fell by 40% from January to March. Many Brits who lost loved ones to coronavirus in care homes are planning to force a probe into how the criss was handled. His daughter's legal action hinges on allegations that guidance issued to care homes during February and March saw the Government breach its legal duty to protect care home residents and workers. Regional data previously released showed how the virus has affected care homes in different parts of the country.

Source: Daily Mirror July 03, 2020 08:41 UTC

