Does auto insurance cover cars damaged during protests or riots? - News Summed Up

Does auto insurance cover cars damaged during protests or riots?

Streets filled with damaged cars are a common sight in the wake of civil unrest and even peaceful mass gatherings. Whether intentionally inflicted or incidental, both parked cars and those driven by passers-by can sustain scratches, broken mirrors, smashed windows, or get covered in paint or graffiti. According to the industry-backed Insurance Information Institute, this type of damage is typically covered under optional comprehensive insurance plans, which approximately two-thirds of policyholders have. However, Amy Bach, executive director of consumer advocacy group United Policyholders, says insured vehicle owners should consider a few things before filing a claim. Depending on the situation, it’s also possible that collision coverage will apply, particularly in the case of the damage occurring to a moving vehicle.

Source: Fox News June 03, 2020 15:44 UTC

