Far-East Asian Toxoplasma isolates share ancestry with North and South/Central American recombinant lineages - News Summed Up

Far-East Asian Toxoplasma isolates share ancestry with North and South/Central American recombinant lineages

TgCatJpGi1/TaJ was found near the edge of HG3, and was highly similar to the reference type III VEG genome (Fig. TgCatJp1 was located between TgCatJpOk4 and HG3, appearing to be a distinct recombinant (Supplementary Fig. We observed that haploblocks of TgCatJpOk4 different from the reference strain were almost identical to those of TgCatJp5 (Supplementary Fig. Furthermore, to investigate the parent of TgCatJpOk4, we employed fineSTRUCTURE to generate a common ancestry matrix (Supplementary Fig. In addition, the pattern of P89, which shares partial ancestry with HG314, could not be resolved (Supplementary Fig.

Source: The North Africa Journal May 23, 2024 05:10 UTC

