First North-South Metro Line in Hexi to Open by Year End - News Summed Up

First North-South Metro Line in Hexi to Open by Year End

It’s the southern section of Metro Line 7; a total of nine stations, which, it has been revealed, shall be receiving their first passengers before 2023 is out. Three stations along the Line are to be interchanges; Zhongshen, with Line 10; Yongchu Lu, with Line S3; and Luotang Lu, with Line 2. While the Nanjing Metro network is no stranger to staggered openings for different sections of a line, Line 7 is an oddball in this regard. Amongst the others, Fujian Lu stands out for being simultaneously built to accommodate two lines, Line 5 and Line 7. As the first fully-automated metro line in Nanjing, Line 7 passes through the districts of Qixia, Gulou, Jianye and Yuhuatai, with a total length of 35.49 kilometres.

Source: MetroXpress April 19, 2023 09:23 UTC

