GhanaWeb Factcheck: Did Meek Mill pose behind Akufo-Addo's lectern? - News Summed Up

GhanaWeb Factcheck: Did Meek Mill pose behind Akufo-Addo's lectern?

Claim: Meek Mill posed behind the presidential lectern during visit to Jubilee HoueGhanaWeb FactCheck looks into the veracity of the lectern claim. "All the visitors the President receives at the Hall where the Presidency lectern is, get access to it and are allowed to take pictures too. The "Presidency" lectern one is for guests"The President uses the one with the caption "President". The one visitors make use of has the label "THE PRESIDENCY - REPUBLIC OF GHANA" or "OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT - REPUBLIC OF GHANA." Verdict: Meek Mill did not pose behind the presidential lectern at the Jubilee House.

Source: GhanaWeb January 13, 2023 00:55 UTC

