HR expert criticizes ‘unrealistic’ salary indicators but unionists want govt to follow through - News Summed Up

HR expert criticizes ‘unrealistic’ salary indicators but unionists want govt to follow through

According to official data, the net pay trend indicators (PTI) for civil servants in the upper, middle, and lower salary bands are 4.01, 4.32, and 5.47 percent, respectively. Alexa Chow Yee-ping, managing director at recruitment agency ACTS Consulting, said she was surprised by the latest findings in the 2024 Pay Trend Survey Report. Civil servants had their salaries frozen when the economy was bad and the accumulative salary hikes for civil servants in certain ranks still lag behind the inflation rate. Leung Chau-ting, chair of the Federation of Civil Service Unions, hopes the government will increase civil servants’ salaries in accordance with the indicators. Read more: Govt releases latest net pay trend indicators for salary adjustments of civil servants

Source: The Standard May 16, 2024 15:08 UTC

