How infant formula makers are saturating mothers’ social media – Metro US - News Summed Up

How infant formula makers are saturating mothers’ social media – Metro US

LONDON (Reuters) – Stephanie Labarta, 31, was six months pregnant when she first noticed the occasional infant formula ad on Instagram and Facebook. Soon after the influx of social media ads began, Labarta also received an unexpected care-package from an online registry that included an infant formula sample. Currently, Nestle does not promote infant formula for babies younger than 12 months in 163 countries. #FORMULAFORHAPPINESSFor Friday’s report, the WHO analysed data from 4 million social media posts about infant feeding over a six-month period using a commercial social listening platform. Companies spent more on using digital marketing to sell infant formula last year than on any other type of advertising, the data showed.

Source: MetroXpress April 28, 2022 23:24 UTC

