How this entrepreneur started a Nigerian car brand - News Summed Up

How this entrepreneur started a Nigerian car brand

In his early 20s Oluwatobi Ajayi had a dream – probably more of a fantasy, he admits – to start his own automotive brand. I never thought it would materialise.”Then, in 2013, the Nigerian federal government announced the Nigerian Automotive Industry Development Plan (NAIDP). In 2018, the first Nord vehicle rolled off the assembly line. The others are the Nord Max (2.6-tonne pickup), the Nord A3 (sedan), Nord A5 (luxury SUV), Nord Flit minibus, the Nord Yarn and the Nord Tripper. We are a new brand and are still trying to set the standard, create the culture and brand perception.

Source: The North Africa Journal March 07, 2021 14:37 UTC

