Liberia: Margibi County Legislative Caucus, Citizens Want Drug Abuse Become Nonbailable Offense - News Summed Up

Liberia: Margibi County Legislative Caucus, Citizens Want Drug Abuse Become Nonbailable Offense

Capitol Hill, Monrovia — Citizens of Margibi County through their Legislative Caucus are calling for a review of the existing drug law of Liberia to make drug abuse a nonbailable offense. The law is currently under review by the 54th Legislature for possible amendment. The review comes at a time of an increasing wave of illegal drug use, mostly among young people across the country. In a petition to their Legislative Caucus, the citizens of Margibi County, called for the illegal trade to be a nonbailable offense. Meanwhile, in a communication to Plenary, the Margibi Legislative Caucus said, giving the importance of the citizens’ concern, they were affixing their signatures as a way of accentuating their citizens’ voice and showing support to the committee’s work on the drug law.

Source: Front Page Africa February 25, 2021 09:45 UTC

