Liberia, USAID Sign US$640M Grant Agreement - News Summed Up

Liberia, USAID Sign US$640M Grant Agreement

The agreement is intended to foster self-Reliance by spurring private sector led economic expansion through a focus on catalyzing reforms and cultivating a healthy, productive and educated workforce. It commits the US government through USAID to provide funds in grant to support the GoL’s national development priorities. Liberia macroeconomic framework with the IMF though budget support so that COVID 19 does not derail the country from its macroeconomic performance was strong. For her part, USAID Liberia Mission Director, Sara Walter, noted the collaborative effort to purposefully align USAID’s development strategy with the broad pillars of the Government of Liberia’s signature development plan, the Pro Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development. All three DOs will enhance Pillar III, which is sustaining the Peace: promoting a peaceful, unified society that enables economic transformation and sustainable development.

Source: Front Page Africa May 25, 2020 16:41 UTC

