Libyan crisis is an opportunity to stir the Arab Maghreb Union from its slumber - News Summed Up

Libyan crisis is an opportunity to stir the Arab Maghreb Union from its slumber

Libyan crisis is an opportunity to stir the Arab Maghreb Union from its slumberZaid M. BelbagiShort Url soldier loyal to the GNA after taking control of Al-Watiya Air Base, southwest of Tripoli, Libya, on 18 May, 2020. Amid wrangling and rivalries, the leaders of five countries in northwest Africa — Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia — appeared on a balcony, arm in arm, and the Arab Maghreb Union was established. Libya is divided between the elected Government of National Accord and the Libyan National Army led by Field Marshall Khalifa Haftar. The one glimmer of hope for the country lies in a potential settlement driven by its Maghreb neighbors, which have a vested interest in Libya’s long-term stability. The Maghreb of today is unrecognizable from that which embarked upon a union 31 years ago.

Source: Libya Today August 07, 2020 18:00 UTC

