Making May 19 the day of national reflection will help promote national reconciliation - News Summed Up

Making May 19 the day of national reflection will help promote national reconciliation

Making May 19 the day of national reflection will help promote national reconciliation View(s):May 19th is, for some, the day of commemoration of the “Mullivaikal Massacre.” For others, it is Victory Day. The process of healing, which should have welded the nation into a strong, united country, has yet to take place. The different administrations that have governed the country since May 9, 2009 have often made what have turned out to be feeble attempts at national reconciliation. These crimes haunt not only their loved ones, but entire communities and Sri Lankan society as a whole,” the report added. Internally, it would also help to reframe May 19 as a day of national reflection rather than Victory Day or as that of the Mullivaikal Massacre.

Source: Sunday Times May 19, 2024 16:23 UTC

