Measures lined up to revive stock market - News Summed Up

Measures lined up to revive stock market

Three capital market organisations will meet on Tuesday to reach a final conclusion on the tax-deductible funds they want to propose to the Finance Ministry, hoping to revive investments in good fundamental stocks in the Thai stock market. Tax-deductible funds will be one of the tools that help the Thai capital market attract more institutional investors. According to Mrs Chavinda, the Thai stock market is under many pressures, with a continuous sell-off by foreign investors causing the index to fall below 1,400-points. The AIMC believes that if there are measures to stimulate the economy and investment, the Thai stock market will recover once again. Asia Plus Securities (ASPS) said that amid the recovery of listed Thai companies' earnings and the recovering economy, the stock market still needs tax-saving LTFs to make trading more robust.

Source: Bangkok Post May 21, 2024 10:33 UTC

