More war crimes - News Summed Up

More war crimes

If we are to narrow it down, then it is usually the women and girls of the area, albeit the crimes done to them either go unreported or are underreported. Adding to the denial was the simple justification that there were no Eritrean soldiers in the region in the first place. He not only indicated that the issue would be raised with Eritrea, but also promised accountability of any member of the Ethiopian defence forces found guilty of the crimes. In the past, it has only merely managed to issue statements which acknowledge and condemn war crimes, like in the cases of Syria, Yemen and Burma. Yet, it has made no concerted efforts to stop these crimes from taking place, nor has set precedents for governments, armed forces or militant groups to discourage them from engaging in war crimes.

Source: The Express Tribune April 20, 2021 05:03 UTC

