Planning round-up: Indian restaurant looks to up its take-out offer - News Summed Up

Planning round-up: Indian restaurant looks to up its take-out offer

Pending: An Indian restaurant is looking to officially turn from a restaurant into a takeaway/restaurant so it can up its take-out sales without attracting questions about the use of the site. The application by Sariz Ltd seeks a change of use of the ground floor of the Emperor of India to a mixed restaurant and takeaway. The unit on Windsor Road has operated predominantly as a restaurant, with ancillary takeaway, or the past 22 years. In contrast to RBWM, the planning inspector considered the harm to the greenbelt outweighed by the positives, ie, provision of SBCB. “The application does not provide sufficient information to satisfy the [council] that the application meets the definition of Self and Custom Building housing," officers wrote.

Source: Express May 23, 2024 16:02 UTC

