Remarks by World Bank Vice President for the Middle East & North Africa at the the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee Ministerial Meeting - News Summed Up

Remarks by World Bank Vice President for the Middle East & North Africa at the the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee Ministerial Meeting

Despite the early and decisive action by the Palestinian leadership, Covid-19 is inflicting severe damage on the Palestinian economy, which is still recovering from the 2019 fiscal crisis. The private sector suffered under the shutdown, especially SMEs and businesses operating in the informal sector. A rapid rebound, beyond the containment period, will be heavily influenced by the PA's ability to provide liquidity for the private sector in the coming months. At the World Bank, we have mobilized resources to support the Palestinian Authority health response to the pandemic. We also believe that improvements in digital infrastructure can be a game-changer for the Palestinian economy.

Source: The North Africa Journal June 03, 2020 15:44 UTC

