Richard Sky heads to Supreme Court over Anti-LGBT+ Bill, wants presidential assent put on hold - News Summed Up

Richard Sky heads to Supreme Court over Anti-LGBT+ Bill, wants presidential assent put on hold

The motion filed by Richard Sky outlines several reliefs sought, each grounded in constitutional provisions and fundamental rights. Particularly contentious are provisions within the bill criminalizing same-sex relationships and related advocacy efforts, prompting calls for judicial intervention to safeguard human rights. Parliament lacked the requisite quorum to pass "The Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill, 2024." v. An order restraining the Speaker of Parliament and the Clerk to Parliament from presenting "The Human and Sexual Values Bill, 2024" to the President of the Republic for his assent. An injunction barring any attempts to enforce the provisions of "The Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill 2024," particularly those criminalising same-sex relationships and related advocacy efforts.

Source: GhanaWeb March 05, 2024 17:04 UTC

