Royal Mint launches new dinosaur themed 50p range using augmented reality technology - News Summed Up

Royal Mint launches new dinosaur themed 50p range using augmented reality technology

The Dinosauria Collection's Brilliant Uncirculated edition also use the latest colour printing techniques to vividly show the megalosaurus, iguanodon and hylaeosaurus. Experts at the Natural History Museum worked in conjunction with the Royal Mint to bring the prehistoric creatures to life. After receiving the coin, collectors can scan the packaging into the Royal Mint's Activate app to unearth facts, clips and images. "It is the first time that The Royal Mint has combined augmented reality with a coin series as we continue to innovate and enrich the experience of coin collecting. Fossils from the three led British anatomist Sir Richard Owen, the founder of the Natural History Museum, to coin the term dinosauria in a paper in 1842.

Source: Daily Mirror June 01, 2020 01:17 UTC

