Rubio urges pool testing in letter to Pence, Azar in wake of Florida's coronavirus case spike - News Summed Up

Rubio urges pool testing in letter to Pence, Azar in wake of Florida's coronavirus case spike

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., has requested the Trump administration reconfigure how hospital’s report on their bed capacity in regards to coronavirus positive patients, as well as expand the testing strategies. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease specialist, has referred to pool testing in recent interviews, suggesting the task force is seriously considering implementing the program. Critics of pool testing warn that too many tests can dilute the pool and turn out false negatives. The Trump administration has not yet laid out a testing strategy, instead allowing each state to decide the best method that works for them. “I ask that you provide a framework for developing a federal consortium of experts to implement a nationwide pool testing strategy in the immediate future,” Rubio said Thursday.

Source: Fox News July 03, 2020 01:18 UTC

