'The GH¢22 million imbalance': Ablakwa gives more detail of Black Stars' AFCON budget - News Summed Up

'The GH¢22 million imbalance': Ablakwa gives more detail of Black Stars' AFCON budget

Ablakwa also said that the Ministry of National Security was in charge of the budget for the fans that the government-sponsored to the AFCON. “It has also emerged that there was a separate budget for the supporters of the Black Stars sent by the State. This settles the debate on whether the Minister for Finance acted on the request from the Ministry of Youth and Sports;2. The Ministry of Youth and Sports must assure Ghanaians that despite the Controller’s full release, the funds are intact in their accounts;6. It has also emerged that there was a separate budget for the supporters of the Black Stars sent by the State.

Source: GhanaWeb January 31, 2024 01:14 UTC

