Understanding Mahama’s ideology: A new paradigm shift for a successful Ghana - News Summed Up

Understanding Mahama’s ideology: A new paradigm shift for a successful Ghana

Walt Whitman Rostow is an American economist and one of the greatest thinkers in the 21st century’s development studies. After winning the 2012 general elections, former president John Dramani Mahamaadopted the Rostow model to develop this country after several decades ofhaphazard approaches that have led us nowhere. This ideology of the former president is a novel approach and a new paradigmshift that actualizes Rostow’s model to ensure that Ghana achieves the“preconditions to take off.”. This is the Ghana former president John Mahama was building, theGhana he will build if elected in 2024. Former President Mahama is the man with the clear plan, direction, and purpose required for a successful Ghana.

Source: GhanaWeb March 16, 2024 10:41 UTC

