Virus sparks 'unprecedented collapse' in eurozone economy - News Summed Up

Virus sparks 'unprecedented collapse' in eurozone economy

Virus sparks 'unprecedented collapse' in eurozone economyLimits on cross-border movement have worsened the economic impact. The PMI survey by analysis company IHS Markit confirmed what economists and governments had been bracing for: a dramatically abrupt tumble into a certain recession. IHS Markit noted "record degrees of pessimism about the year ahead seen in both manufacturing and services". 'Ground to a halt'Analysts at bank ING said the IHS Markit survey "paints a picture of an economy that has ground to a halt". It also said the eurozone collapse echoed what was seen in China last month when the pandemic that started there bit deepest.

Source: Bangkok Post March 24, 2020 11:48 UTC

