Financial expert reveals the five things if you want to make more money in the next financial year - News Summed Up

Financial expert reveals the five things if you want to make more money in the next financial year

Financial strategist Theo Marinis said organising things such as superannuation contributions and pre-pay expenses before the end of the month was key to putting yourself in the best financial position for next year. Financial experts have revealed five things Australians should check before June 30 to keep their household budgets healthy amidst the effects of COVID-19 lockdownsFIVE THINGS TO CHECK BEFORE JUNE 30 1. Can you claim working from home expenses in your tax return this financial year? Will making superannuation contributions deliver you tax benefits? Rex Whitford, from Wealth for Life Financial Planning, said making additional contributions to your superannuation account was also tax deductible.

Source: Daily Mail June 01, 2020 01:18 UTC

