No Ghanaian on Russia's official list of foreign mercenaries fighting in Ukraine - News Summed Up

No Ghanaian on Russia's official list of foreign mercenaries fighting in Ukraine

General News of Saturday, 16 March 2024Source: www.ghanaweb.comNo Ghanaian has been involved in fighting on the side of Ukraine in its two-year war with Russia. This is according to the Russian Ministry of Defence's breakdown of countries whose citizens were serving as mercenaries in the war that started in February 2022. Kenya, one of the countries said to have 5 citizens fighting as mercenaries has formally rejected the Russian claims. See total mercenary list by RussiaMeanwhile, in October 2023, reports emerged of a group that was reportedly recruiting fighters to fight on the side of Russia. They were said to have been contacted by the assigns of Russian mercenary group, Wagner Forces.

Source: GhanaWeb March 16, 2024 12:51 UTC

